# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # cms.py - simple WSGI/Python based CMS script # # Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . #from cms.cython_support cimport * #@cy from cms.exception import * from cms.util import * #+cimport import re import os __all__ = [ "CMSPageIdent", ] class CMSPageIdent(object): # Page identifier. __slots__ = ( # Path components. # List of str. "__elements", # Boolean. # True, if all __elements have been validated. "__allValidated", ) __pageFileName_re = re.compile( r'^(.*)((?:\.html?)|(?:\.py)|(?:\.php))$', re.DOTALL) __indexPages = {"", "index"} # Parse a page identifier from a string. # That string may contain malicious components such as backwards # traversals (".." in the file path). This class takes care to reject # such page identifiers before use as filesystem path. @classmethod def parse(cls, path, maxPathLen=512, maxIdentDepth=32): if len(path) > maxPathLen: raise CMSException(400, "Invalid URL") pageIdent = cls() # Strip whitespace and slashes path = path.strip(' \t/') # Remove page file extensions like .html and such. m = cls.__pageFileName_re.match(path) if m: path = m.group(1) # Use the ident elements, if this is not the root page. if path not in cls.__indexPages: pageIdent.extend(path.split("/")) if len(pageIdent.__elements) > maxIdentDepth: raise CMSException(400, "Invalid URL") return pageIdent __pathSep = os.path.sep __validPathChars = LOWERCASE + UPPERCASE + NUMBERS + "-_." # Validate a path component. Avoid any directory change. # Raises CMSException on failure. @classmethod def validateSafePathComponent(cls, pcomp): if pcomp.startswith('.'): # No ".", ".." and hidden files. raise CMSException(404, "Invalid page path") if [ c for c in pcomp if c not in cls.__validPathChars ]: raise CMSException(404, "Invalid page path") return pcomp # Validate a path. Avoid going back in the hierarchy (. and ..) # Raises CMSException on failure. @classmethod def validateSafePath(cls, path): for pcomp in path.split(cls.__pathSep): cls.validateSafePathComponent(pcomp) return path # Validate a page name. # Raises CMSException on failure. # If allowSysNames is True, system names starting with "__" are allowed. @classmethod def validateName(cls, name, allowSysNames=False): if name.startswith("__") and not allowSysNames: # Page names with __ are system folders. raise CMSException(404, "Invalid page name") return cls.validateSafePathComponent(name) # Initialize this page identifier. def __init__(self, initialElements=None): self.__elements = [] self.extend(initialElements) self.__allValidated = False # Add a list of path elements to this identifier. def extend(self, other): if other is not None: self.__allValidated = False if isinstance(other, self.__class__): self.__elements.extend(other.__elements) elif isiterable(other): self.__elements.extend(other) else: raise CMSException(500, "Invalid 'other' in CMSPageIdent.extend()") return self # Add a list of path elements to this identifier. def __iadd__(self, other): return self.extend(other) # Create a new page identifier from 'self' and add 'other'. def __add__(self, other): return self.__class__(self).extend(other) # Get the number of path components in this path identifier. def __len__(self): return len(self.__elements) # Validate all page identifier name components. # (Do not allow system name components) def __validateAll(self): if not self.__allValidated: for pcomp in self.__elements: self.validateName(pcomp) # Remember that we validated. # (This flag must be reset to false, if components are added.) self.__allValidated = True # Get one page identifier component by index. def get(self, index, default=None, allowSysNames=False): try: return self.validateName(self.__elements[index], allowSysNames) except IndexError: return default # Get the page identifier as URL. def getUrl(self, protocol=None, domain=None, urlBase=None, pageSuffix=".html"): self.__validateAll() url = [] if protocol: url.append(protocol + ":/") if domain: url.append(domain) if urlBase: url.append(urlBase.strip("/")) localPath = [elem for elem in self.__elements if elem] url.extend(localPath) if not protocol and not domain: url.insert(0, "") urlStr = "/".join(url) if localPath and pageSuffix: urlStr += pageSuffix return urlStr # Get the page identifier as filesystem path. def getFilesystemPath(self, rstrip=0): self.__validateAll() if self.__elements: if rstrip: pcomps = self.__elements[ : 0 - rstrip] if pcomps: return fs.mkpath(*pcomps) return "" return fs.mkpath(*(self.__elements)) return "" # Test if this identifier starts with the same elements # as another one. def startswith(self, other): return other is not None and\ len(self.__elements) >= len(other.__elements) and\ self.__elements[ : len(other.__elements)] == other.__elements def __hash__(self): #@cy cdef Py_ssize_t h #@cy cdef list elements #@cy cdef str element h = 0 elements = self.__elements for element in elements: h ^= hash(element) return h def __eq__(self, other): return (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__elements == other.__elements)