DEFAULT_DESTDIR := /var/cms DESTDIR := $(DEFAULT_DESTDIR) DEFAULT_OWNER := www-data OWNER := $(DEFAULT_OWNER) DEFAULT_GROUP := www-data GROUP := $(DEFAULT_GROUP) INSTALL := install CP := cp CHOWN := chown all: help install: help help: @echo "Use make install-cms to install the script" @echo "Use make install-db to install the example database" @echo @echo "Use make install-world to install all of the above" @echo @echo "To adjust the install target path, set the DESTDIR variable." @echo "DESTDIR defaults to $(DEFAULT_DESTDIR)" @echo "To adjust the permissions of the target directories and files," @echo "set the OWNER and GROUP variables." @echo "OWNER defaults to $(DEFAULT_OWNER)" @echo "GROUP defaults to $(DEFAULT_GROUP)" $(DESTDIR): $(INSTALL) -d -o $(OWNER) -g $(GROUP) -m 755 $(DESTDIR) install-cms: $(DESTDIR) $(INSTALL) -o $(OWNER) -g $(GROUP) -m 644 $(DESTDIR)/ $(INSTALL) -o $(OWNER) -g $(GROUP) -m 644 index.wsgi $(DESTDIR)/ install-db: $(DESTDIR) $(CP) -a example/db $(DESTDIR)/ $(CHOWN) -R $(OWNER):$(GROUP) $(DESTDIR)/db install-world: install-cms install-db .PHONY: all help install install-cms install-db install-world