---   cms.py - simple WSGI/Python based CMS script
---   Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Michael Buesch <m@bues.ch>

--- Installing cms.py ---

Just run
	make install-world DESTDIR=/var/cms OWNER=www-data GROUP=www-data
to install the cms scripts and the example database files.
See "make help" for more options.

--- Configuring Apache httpd ---

Install the Apache WSGI module. On Debian Linux, this is libapache2-mod-wsgi.
Create a new config file /etc/apache2/conf.d/wsgi with content similar to
the following Debian based example:

	# Adjust "user" and "group" to your system.
	WSGIDaemonProcess wsgi processes=10 threads=1 display-name=apache-wsgi user=www-data group=www-data
	WSGIPythonOptimize 1
	# /cms is the base URL path to the CMS.
	# /var/cms is where index.wsgi, cms.py and the db directory live.
	# /var/www is the path to the static files.
	# Adjust these paths to your setup.
	WSGIScriptAlias		/cms	/var/cms/index.wsgi
	WSGIPythonPath		/var/cms
	SetEnv cms.domain	example.com
	SetEnv cms.cmsBase	/var/cms
	SetEnv cms.wwwBase	/var/www
	SetEnv cms.debug	1
	<Directory /var/cms>
		WSGIProcessGroup wsgi
		AllowOverride None
		Options -ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch -Indexes
		Order deny,allow
		Allow from all
	# Redirect all 404 to the CMS 404 handler (optional)
	ErrorDocument 404 /cms/__nopage/__nogroup.html

Reload Apache httpd after modifying the config.
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