# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # AWL simulator - FUP - Grid classes # # Copyright 2016-2018 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from awlsim.common.compat import * from awlsim.common.xmlfactory import * from awlsim.gui.geo2d import * from awlsim.gui.fup.fup_base import * from awlsim.gui.fup.fup_wire import * from awlsim.gui.fup.fup_elem import * from awlsim.gui.fup.fup_elembool import * from awlsim.gui.fup.fup_elemoperand import * from awlsim.gui.fup.fup_elemmove import * class FupGrid_factory(XmlFactory): def parser_open(self, tag=None): self.__haveGridTag = False if tag: self.__parseGridTag(tag) XmlFactory.parser_open(self, tag) def __parseGridTag(self, tag): self.grid.clear() width = tag.getAttrInt("width") height = tag.getAttrInt("height") uuid = tag.getAttr("uuid", None) self.grid.resize(width, height) self.grid.uuid = uuid self.__haveGridTag = True def parser_beginTag(self, tag): if tag.name == "grid" and not self.__haveGridTag: self.__parseGridTag(tag) return if tag.name == "wires": self.parser_switchTo(FupWire.factory(grid=self.grid)) return if tag.name == "elements": self.parser_switchTo(FupElem.factory(grid=self.grid)) return if tag.name == "optimizers": optType = tag.getAttr("type") if optType == "awl": optSettingsCont = self.grid.optSettingsCont self.parser_switchTo(optSettingsCont.factory( settingsContainer=optSettingsCont)) return XmlFactory.parser_beginTag(self, tag) def parser_endTag(self, tag): if tag.name == "grid": self.grid.removeOrphanWires() self.parser_finish() return XmlFactory.parser_endTag(self, tag) # Composer filters: composer_withOptSettings = lambda self: True composer_withWireRenum = lambda self: True composer_wireFilter = lambda self, wire: True composer_elemFilter = lambda self, wire: True def composer_getTags(self): grid = self.grid childTags = [] if self.composer_withOptSettings(): optSettingsCont = grid.optSettingsCont childTags.extend( optSettingsCont.factory( settingsContainer=optSettingsCont).composer_getTags()) if self.composer_withWireRenum(): grid.renumberWires() wireTags = [] for wire in sorted(grid.wires, key=lambda w: w.idNum): if self.composer_wireFilter(wire): wireTags.extend(wire.factory(wire=wire).composer_getTags()) childTags.append(self.Tag(name="wires", tags=wireTags)) elemTags = [] for elem in grid.elems: if self.composer_elemFilter(elem): elemTags.extend(elem.factory(elem=elem).composer_getTags()) childTags.append(self.Tag(name="elements", tags=elemTags)) return [ self.Tag(name="grid", tags=childTags, attrs={ "width" : str(grid.width), "height" : str(grid.height), "uuid" : str(grid.uuid), }), ] class FupGrid(FupBaseClass): """FUP/FBD element grid. """ factory = FupGrid_factory # Resize event callback. # If this is a callable, it it called with (width, height) on resize events. resizeEvent = None # Infinite width/height INFINITE = -1 class CollLines(object): """Collision cache line descriptor. This is used for describing drawn wires and detecting collisions among them. """ def __init__(self, lineSegments, wire=None, elem=None): """lineSeg => Tuple of LineSeg2D() line segments. wire => FupWire() that this line belongs to, if any. elem => FupElem() that this line belongs to, if any. """ self.lineSegments = lineSegments self.wire = wire self.elem = elem def dup(self): """Make a shallow copy of this Line. """ return self.__class__(self.lineSegments, self.wire, self.elem) def __init__(self, drawWidget, width, height, uuid=None): """drawWidget => FupDrawWidget() instance. width => The grid width. height => The grid height. """ FupBaseClass.__init__(self, uuid=uuid) self.__drawWidget = drawWidget self.width = width self.height = height self.elems = [] # The FupElem_xxx()s in this grid self.__elemsByUUID = {} self.wires = set() # The FupConnIn/Out()s in this grid self.selectedCells = set() # Set of tuples (gridX, gridY) of selected cells self.selectedElems = set() # Set of selected elements in this grid self.expandedElems = set() # Set of expanded elements in this grid self.clickedElem = None # The recently clicked element in this grid self.clickedConn = None # The recently clicked connection in this grid self.clickedArea = None # The recently clicked area in this grid self.optSettingsCont = AwlOptimizerSettingsContainer() self.collisionCacheClear() def getFont(self, size=8, bold=False): if self.__drawWidget: return self.__drawWidget.getFont(size=size, bold=bold) return QFont() @property def zoom(self): if self.__drawWidget: return self.__drawWidget.zoom return 1.0 def clear(self): for wire in set(self.wires): wire.disconnectAll() self.wires.clear() self.elems = [] self.__elemsByUUID = {} self.selectedCells.clear() self.selectedElems.clear() self.collisionCacheClear() def collisionCacheClear(self): """Clear the collision cache of drawn lines. """ # __collCacheLines is a list of FupGrid.CollLines() instances. self.__collCacheLines = [] def collisionCacheAdd(self, line): """Add a line entry to the collision cache. line => A FupGrid.CollLines() instance """ assert(isinstance(line, self.CollLines)) self.__collCacheLines.append(line) def resize(self, width, height): """Resize the grid. Returns True, if the resize was successfull. """ if width == self.width and height == self.height: return True if self.elems: minWidth = max(e.x + e.width for e in self.elems) minHeight = max(e.y + e.height for e in self.elems) else: minWidth = minHeight = 0 if (width < minWidth and width != self.INFINITE) or\ (height < minHeight and height != self.INFINITE): return False self.width = width self.height = height if callable(self.resizeEvent): self.resizeEvent(width, height) return True @property def interfDef(self): """Get the block interface definition (AwlInterfDef() instance). """ if self.__drawWidget: return self.__drawWidget.interfDef return None def getUnusedWireIdNum(self): """Get an unused wire idNum. """ if self.wires: return max(w.idNum for w in self.wires) + 1 return 0 def addWire(self, wire): """Add a wire to the grid. Does nothing, if the wire does exist already. """ self.wires.add(wire) def removeWire(self, wire): """Remove a wire to the grid. Does nothing, if the wire does not exist. """ with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): self.wires.remove(wire) # Remove CollLines()s that belong to 'wire' from the collision cache. self.__collCacheLines = [ line for line in self.__collCacheLines if line.wire is None or\ line.wire is not wire ] def getWireById(self, wireIdNum): """Get a wire by its idNum. """ if wireIdNum >= 0: for wire in self.wires: if wire.idNum == wireIdNum: return wire return None def removeOrphanWires(self, dangling=True): """Remove all unconnected wires. If 'dangling' is True, wires that only have a single connection are also removed. """ connLimit = 1 if dangling else 0 newWiresSet = set() while self.wires: wire = self.wires.pop() if len(wire.connections) > connLimit: # Keep this wire. newWiresSet.add(wire) else: # Drop this wire and remove all # connections from it. for conn in set(wire.connections): wire.disconnect(conn) self.wires = newWiresSet def renumberWires(self, idNumOffset=0): """Re-assign all wire idNums. """ for i, wire in enumerate(sorted(self.wires, key=lambda w: w.idNum)): wire.idNum = i + idNumOffset def checkWireLine(self, painter, excludeWires, lineSeg): """Checks if a wire line would be drawable and does not collide with another wire line. excludeWires => Iterable if FupWire()s to exclude from the check. lineSeg => The LineSeg2D() that should be drawn. Returns a set of colliding self.CollLines() instances. """ collisions = set() for line in self.__collCacheLines: if line.wire in excludeWires: continue for otherLineSeg in line.lineSegments: inter = lineSeg.intersection(otherLineSeg) if inter: # We have a collision. collisions.add(line.dup()) return collisions def drawWireLine(self, painter, wire, lineSeg): """Draw a wire line on 'painter'. wire => The FupWire() this line segment belongs to. lineSeg => The LineSeg2D() that describes the line to draw. """ if not lineSeg: return # Zero length line painter.drawLine(lineSeg.pointA.xInt, lineSeg.pointA.yInt, lineSeg.pointB.xInt, lineSeg.pointB.yInt) self.collisionCacheAdd(self.CollLines((lineSeg,), wire=wire)) def checkWireCollisions(self): """Mark all wires as must-check-collisions. The collision check will be done at the next wire re-draw. """ for wire in self.wires: wire.checkCollisions() @property def cellPixWidth(self): if self.__drawWidget: return self.__drawWidget.cellPixWidth return 0 @property def cellPixHeight(self): if self.__drawWidget: return self.__drawWidget.cellPixHeight return 0 def __haveCollision(self, x, y, height, width, excludeElems=set()): if (self.width != self.INFINITE) and\ (x < 0 or x >= self.width): return True # Position is not on grid. if (self.height != self.INFINITE) and\ (y < 0 or y >= self.height): return True # Position is not on grid. for xx in range(x, x + width): for yy in range(y, y + height): elem = self.getElemAt(xx, yy) if elem in excludeElems: continue # Element is ignored. if elem: return True # Collision with other element. return False def canPlaceElem(self, elem, offsetX=0, offsetY=0): """Check it we could place the element, but do not actually insert it into the grid. """ return not self.__haveCollision(elem.x + offsetX, elem.y + offsetY, elem.height, elem.width) def placeElem(self, elem): """Insert an element into the grid. Returns False, if it was not possible to place the element. """ # Check if we already have this UUID. # A bug in old Awlsim versions generated duplicate UUIDs. if self.getElemByUUID(elem.uuid): printWarning("FUP element %s duplicate UUID. " "Generating new UUID." % elem) elem.regenAllUUIDs() # Check if we have a collision. if not self.canPlaceElem(elem): return False # Add the element. self.elems.append(elem) self.__elemsByUUID[elem.uuid] = elem # Reparent the element and all connected wires. elem.grid = self for conn in elem.connections: if conn.wire: conn.wire.grid = self return True def removeElem(self, elem): with contextlib.suppress(ValueError): self.elems.remove(elem) self.__elemsByUUID.pop(elem.uuid, None) elem.breakConnections() with contextlib.suppress(ValueError): self.selectedElems.remove(elem) # Remove CollLines()s that belong to 'elem' from the collision cache. self.__collCacheLines = [ line for line in self.__collCacheLines if line.elem is None or\ line.elem is not elem ] def moveElemTo(self, elem, toX, toY, relativeCoords=False, checkOnly=False, excludeCheckElems=set()): """Move elem to position (toX, toY). If relativeCoords=True, the (toX, toY) coodinates are relative to the current position. If checkOnly=True, the actual move is not performed. All elements included in excludeCheckElems are excluded from the collision check. """ if relativeCoords: toX, toY = elem.x + toX, elem.y + toY if toX == elem.x and toY == elem.y: return True # No move needed # Check collision excludeElems = excludeCheckElems.copy() excludeElems.add(elem) # Can't collide with ourselves. if self.__haveCollision(toX, toY, elem.height, elem.width, excludeElems=excludeElems): return False # Collision. Cannot move. # Move the element. if not checkOnly: elem.x = toX elem.y = toY elem.checkWireCollisions() return True def getElemByUUID(self, uuid): """Get an element by UUID string. Returns None, if no such element was found. """ return self.__elemsByUUID.get(uuid, None) def getElemAt(self, x, y): for elem in self.elems: ex, ey = elem.x, elem.y ew, eh = elem.width, elem.height if x >= ex and x < ex + ew and\ y >= ey and y < ey + eh: return elem return None def haveElemAt(self, x, y): return self.getElemAt(x, y) is not None def getElemsInRect(self, x0, y0, x1, y1): """Get all elements placed within the given grid rectangle. """ return (elem for elem in self.elems if elem.isInGridRect(x0, y0, x1, y1)) def selectElem(self, elem): if elem: self.selectedElems.add(elem) def selectElemAt(self, x, y): elem = self.getElemAt(x, y) if elem: self.selectElem(elem) else: self.deselectAllElems() def selectElemsInRect(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, clear=False): """Select all elements within the given grid rectangle. """ if clear: self.deselectAllElems() for elem in self.getElemsInRect(x0, y0, x1, y1): self.selectElem(elem) def deselectElem(self, elem): with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): self.selectedElems.remove(elem) def deselectElemAt(self, x, y): elem = self.getElemAt(x, y) if elem: self.deselectElem(elem) def deselectAllElems(self): self.selectedElems.clear() def expandElem(self, elem, expand=True, area=None): ok = False if elem and expand and not elem in self.expandedElems: ok = elem.expand(expand, area) if ok: self.expandedElems.add(elem) if elem and not expand and elem in self.expandedElems: ok = elem.expand(expand, area) if ok: self.expandedElems.remove(elem) return ok def unexpandAllElems(self): if self.expandedElems: for elem in self.expandedElems.copy(): self.expandElem(elem, False) return True return False def selectCell(self, x, y): """Select the cell at grid coordinate X/Y. This does not affect element selection. """ self.selectedCells.add((x, y)) def deselectCell(self, x, y): """Deselect the cell at grid coordinate X/Y. This does not affect element selection. """ self.selectedCells.remove((x, y)) def deselectAllCells(self): """Deselect all cells. This does not affect element selection. """ self.selectedCells.clear() def cellIsSelected(self, x, y): """Check if a cell is selected. """ return (x, y) in self.selectedCells def merge(self, otherGrid, offsetX=0, offsetY=0, selectInsertedElems=True): """Merge another grid 'otherGrid' into this grid. 'offsetX' and 'offsetY' are the positions in 'self' by which 'otherGrid' shall be shifted. If 'selectInsertedElems' is True, all inserted elements will be selected and other elements will be deselected. Returns True, if the merge was successful without collisions. Returns False and does nothing, if there are collisions. """ oldWidth, oldHeight = self.width, self.height def fail(): self.resize(oldWidth, oldHeight) return False # Resize the grid, if it is too small to old all # elements from otherGrid. maxXElem = sorted((e for e in otherGrid.elems), key=lambda e: e.x, reverse=True)[0] maxYElem = sorted((e for e in otherGrid.elems), key=lambda e: e.y, reverse=True)[0] newWidth = max(offsetX + maxXElem.x + maxXElem.width, oldWidth) newHeight = max(offsetY + maxYElem.y + maxYElem.height, oldHeight) if not self.resize(newWidth, newHeight): return fail() # Check if we can place all elements. for elem in otherGrid.elems: if not self.canPlaceElem(elem, offsetX, offsetY): return fail() # Actually place all elements. for elem in otherGrid.elems: elem.x += offsetX elem.y += offsetY self.placeElem(elem) # Merge the wires with this grid. # Renumber all wires to ensure we don't have duplications. self.renumberWires() freeIdNum = len(self.wires) otherGrid.renumberWires(idNumOffset=freeIdNum) self.wires |= otherGrid.wires # Update selections. self.deselectAllCells() if selectInsertedElems: self.deselectAllElems() for elem in otherGrid.elems: self.selectElem(elem) return True def regenAllUUIDs(self): """Re-generate all UUIDs that belong to this grid, all its elements, connections and all wires. """ self.uuid = None # regenerate for elem in self.elems: elem.regenAllUUIDs() for wire in self.wires: wire.uuid = None # regenerate