# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # AWL simulator - FUP compiler # # Copyright 2016 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from awlsim.common.compat import * from awlsim.common.sources import * from awlsim.common.xmlfactory import * from awlsim.common.cpuspecs import * #from awlsim.core.cpu cimport * #@cy from awlsim.core.cpu import * #@nocy from awlsim.fupcompiler.fupcompiler_blockdecl import * from awlsim.fupcompiler.fupcompiler_interf import * from awlsim.fupcompiler.fupcompiler_grid import * from awlsim.fupcompiler.fupcompiler_elem import * #from awlsim.core.instructions.all_insns cimport * #@cy from awlsim.core.instructions.all_insns import * #@nocy class FupFakeCpu(S7CPU): def getMnemonics(self): return self.fupCompiler.mnemonics class FupCompilerFactory(XmlFactory): FUP_VERSION = 0 def parser_open(self, tag=None): self.inFup = False self.inGrids = False XmlFactory.parser_open(self, tag) def parser_beginTag(self, tag): if self.inFup: if self.inGrids: if tag.name == "grid": grid = FupCompiler_Grid(self.compiler) self.compiler.grids.append(grid) self.parser_switchTo(grid.factory(grid=grid)) return else: if tag.name == "blockdecl": if self.compiler.decl: raise self.Error("Multiple s defined.") decl = FupCompiler_BlockDecl(self.compiler) self.compiler.decl = decl self.parser_switchTo(decl.factory(decl=decl)) return if tag.name == "interface": if self.compiler.interf: raise self.Error("Multiple s defined.") interf = FupCompiler_Interf(self.compiler) self.compiler.interf = interf self.parser_switchTo(interf.factory(interf=interf)) return if tag.name == "grids": self.inGrids = True return else: if tag.name == "FUP": version = tag.getAttrInt("version") if version != self.FUP_VERSION: raise self.Error("Unsupported FUP version. " "Got %d, but expected %d." % ( version, self.FUP_VERSION)) self.inFup = True return XmlFactory.parser_beginTag(self, tag) def parser_endTag(self, tag): if self.inFup: if self.inGrids: if tag.name == "grids": self.inGrids = False return else: if tag.name == "FUP": self.inFup = False self.parser_finish() return XmlFactory.parser_endTag(self, tag) class FupCompiler(object): AWL_ENCODING = "latin_1" def __init__(self): self.reset() def reset(self): self.mnemonics = None self.opTrans = None self.decl = None # FupCompiler_BlockDecl self.interf = None # FupCompiler_Interf self.grids = [] # FupCompiler_Grid self.blockHeaderAwl = [] # Block declaration header AWL code strings self.blockFooterAwl = [] # Block declaration footer AWL code strings self.blockInterfAwl = [] # Block interface AWL code strings self.instanceDBsAwl = [] # Instance DBs AWL code strings self.fupSource = None # FUP source self.awlSource = None # Compiled AWL source def getAwlSource(self): return self.awlSource def __parse(self): try: return FupCompilerFactory(compiler=self).parse( self.fupSource.sourceBytes) except FupCompilerFactory.Error as e: raise AwlSimError("Failed to parse FUP source: " "%s" % str(e)) def __genAwlCode(self, insns): """Generate AWL code from a list of instructions. Returns bytes encoded as self.AWL_ENCODING. """ awl = [] # Create header awl.extend(self.blockHeaderAwl) awl.extend(self.blockInterfAwl) # Create instructions body awl.append("BEGIN") fakeCpu = FupFakeCpu() fakeCpu.fupCompiler = self for insn in insns: insn.cpu = fakeCpu awl.append("\t" + str(insn)) # Create footer awl.extend(self.blockFooterAwl) # Create the instance DBs awl.extend(self.instanceDBsAwl or []) return ('\r\n'.join(awl) + '\r\n').encode(self.AWL_ENCODING) def __compileBlockDecl(self): """Compile block declaration. """ self.blockHeaderAwl, self.blockFooterAwl, self.instanceDBsAwl =\ self.decl.compile(self.interf) def __compileInterface(self): """Compile block interface. """ self.blockInterfAwl = self.interf.compile() def __compileGrids(self): """Compile all self.grids """ # Compile the grids insns = [] for grid in self.grids: insns.extend(grid.compile()) insns.append(AwlInsn_BE(cpu=None)) # Optimize the generated instructions pass#TODO return insns def __trycompile(self, fupSource, mnemonics): self.reset() self.fupSource = fupSource self.mnemonics = mnemonics self.opTrans = AwlOpTranslator(mnemonics=mnemonics) self.awlSource = AwlSource(name=fupSource.name, filepath=fupSource.filepath) if self.__parse(): self.__compileBlockDecl() insns = self.__compileGrids() self.__compileInterface() # Store the AWL code in the AWL source object. self.awlSource.sourceBytes = self.__genAwlCode(insns) return self.getAwlSource() def compile(self, fupSource, mnemonics): """Compile a FupSource. mnemonics is either MNEMONICS_EN, MNEMONICS_DE or MNEMONICS_AUTO. Returns an AwlSource. """ if mnemonics == S7CPUSpecs.MNEMONICS_AUTO: try: return self.__trycompile(fupSource, S7CPUSpecs.MNEMONICS_EN) except AwlSimError as e: pass return self.__trycompile(fupSource, S7CPUSpecs.MNEMONICS_DE) return self.__trycompile(fupSource, mnemonics)