# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # AWL simulator - common utility functions # # Copyright 2012-2017 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from awlsim.common.compat import * from awlsim.common.enumeration import * from awlsim.common.exceptions import * import sys import os import errno import random import base64 import binascii import functools import itertools from collections import deque __all__ = [ "functools", "itertools", "deque", "Logging", "printDebug", "printVerbose", "printInfo", "printWarning", "printError", "fileExists", "safeFileRead", "safeFileWrite", "strPartitionFull", "str2bool", "strToBase64", "base64ToStr", "bytesToHexStr", "toUnixEol", "toDosEol", "isInteger", "isString", "strEqual", "isiterable", "getfirst", "getany", "toList", "toSet", "pivotDict", "listIndex", "listToHumanStr", "listExpand", "clamp", "math_gcd", "math_lcm", "nopContext", "RelPath", "shortUUID", ] class Logging(object): EnumGen.start LOG_NONE = EnumGen.item LOG_ERROR = EnumGen.item LOG_WARNING = EnumGen.item LOG_INFO = EnumGen.item LOG_VERBOSE = EnumGen.item LOG_DEBUG = EnumGen.item EnumGen.end loglevel = LOG_INFO prefix = "" @classmethod def setLoglevel(cls, loglevel): if loglevel not in (cls.LOG_NONE, cls.LOG_ERROR, cls.LOG_WARNING, cls.LOG_INFO, cls.LOG_VERBOSE, cls.LOG_DEBUG): raise AwlSimError("Invalid log level '%d'" % loglevel) cls.loglevel = loglevel @classmethod def setPrefix(cls, prefix): cls.prefix = prefix @classmethod def __print(cls, stream, text): with contextlib.suppress(RuntimeError): if stream: if cls.prefix: stream.write(cls.prefix) stream.write(text) stream.write("\n") stream.flush() @classmethod def printDebug(cls, text): if cls.loglevel >= cls.LOG_DEBUG: cls.__print(sys.stdout, text) @classmethod def printVerbose(cls, text): if cls.loglevel >= cls.LOG_VERBOSE: cls.__print(sys.stdout, text) @classmethod def printInfo(cls, text): if cls.loglevel >= cls.LOG_INFO: cls.__print(sys.stdout, text) @classmethod def printWarning(cls, text): if cls.loglevel >= cls.LOG_WARNING: cls.__print(sys.stderr, text) @classmethod def printError(cls, text): if cls.loglevel >= cls.LOG_ERROR: cls.__print(sys.stderr, text) def printDebug(text): Logging.printDebug(text) def printVerbose(text): Logging.printVerbose(text) def printInfo(text): Logging.printInfo(text) def printWarning(text): Logging.printWarning(text) def printError(text): Logging.printError(text) def fileExists(filename): """Returns True, if the file exists. Returns False, if the file does not exist. Returns None, if another error occurred. """ try: os.stat(filename) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: return False return None return True def safeFileRead(filename): try: with open(filename, "rb") as fd: data = fd.read() fd.close() except IOError as e: raise AwlSimError("Failed to read '%s': %s" %\ (filename, str(e))) return data def safeFileWrite(filename, data): for count in range(1000): tmpFile = "%s-%d-%d.tmp" %\ (filename, random.randint(0, 0xFFFF), count) if not os.path.exists(tmpFile): break else: raise AwlSimError("Could not create temporary file") try: with open(tmpFile, "wb") as fd: fd.write(data) fd.flush() fd.close() if not osIsPosix: # Can't use safe rename on non-POSIX. # Must unlink first. with contextlib.suppress(OSError): os.unlink(filename) os.rename(tmpFile, filename) except (IOError, OSError) as e: raise AwlSimError("Failed to write file:\n" + str(e)) finally: with contextlib.suppress(IOError, OSError): os.unlink(tmpFile) # Fully partition a string by separator 'sep'. # Returns a list of strings: # [ "first-element", sep, "second-element", sep, ... ] # If 'keepEmpty' is True, empty elements are kept. def strPartitionFull(string, sep, keepEmpty=True): first, ret = True, [] for elem in string.split(sep): if not first: ret.append(sep) if elem or keepEmpty: ret.append(elem) first = False return ret def str2bool(string, default=False): """Convert a human readable string to a boolean. """ s = string.lower().strip() if s in {"true", "yes", "on", "enable", "enabled"}: return True if s in {"false", "no", "off", "disable", "disabled"}: return False try: return bool(int(s, 10)) except ValueError: return default def strToBase64(string, ignoreErrors=False): """Convert a string to a base64 encoded ascii string. Throws ValueError on errors, if ignoreErrors is False.""" try: b = string.encode("utf-8", "ignore" if ignoreErrors else "strict") return base64.b64encode(b).decode("ascii") except (UnicodeError, binascii.Error, TypeError) as e: if ignoreErrors: return "" raise ValueError def base64ToStr(b64String, ignoreErrors=False): """Convert a base64 encoded ascii string to utf-8 string. Throws ValueError on errors, if ignoreErrors is False.""" try: b = b64String.encode("ascii", "ignore" if ignoreErrors else "strict") return base64.b64decode(b).decode("utf-8", "ignore" if ignoreErrors else "strict") except (UnicodeError, binascii.Error, TypeError) as e: if ignoreErrors: return "" raise ValueError def bytesToHexStr(_bytes): """Convert bytes to a hex-string. """ if _bytes is None: return None return binascii.b2a_hex(_bytes).decode("ascii") def toUnixEol(string): """Convert a string to UNIX line endings, no matter what line endings (mix) the input string is. """ return string.replace("\r\n", "\n")\ .replace("\r", "\n") def toDosEol(string): """Convert a string to DOS line endings, no matter what line endings (mix) the input string is. """ return toUnixEol(string).replace("\n", "\r\n") def __isInteger_python2(value): return isinstance(value, int) or\ isinstance(value, long) def __isInteger_python3(value): return isinstance(value, int) isInteger = py23(__isInteger_python2, __isInteger_python3) def __isString_python2(value): return isinstance(value, unicode) or\ isinstance(value, str) def __isString_python3(value): return isinstance(value, str) isString = py23(__isString_python2, __isString_python3) def strEqual(string0, string1, caseSensitive=True): """Compare string0 to string1. If caseSensitive is False, case is ignored. Returns True, if both strings are equal. """ if not caseSensitive: if hasattr(string0, "casefold"): string0, string1 = string0.casefold(), string1.casefold() else: string0, string1 = string0.lower(), string1.lower() return string0 == string1 def isiterable(obj): """Check if an object is iterable. """ try: iter(obj) return True except TypeError: pass return False def getfirst(iterable, exception=KeyError): """Get the first item from an iterable. This also works for generators. If the iterable is empty, exception is raised. If exception is None, None is returned instead. Warning: If iterable is not indexable (for example a set), an arbitrary item is returned instead. """ try: return next(iter(iterable)) except StopIteration: if exception: raise exception return None # Get an arbitrary item from an iterable. # If the iterable is empty, exception is raised. # If exception is None, None is returned instead. getany = getfirst def toList(value): """Returns value, if value is a list. Returns a list with the elements of value, if value is a set. Returns a list with the elements of value, if value is a frozenset. Returns a list with the elements of value, if value is an iterable, but not a string. Otherwise returns a list with value as element. """ if isinstance(value, list): return value if isinstance(value, set): return sorted(value) if isinstance(value, frozenset): return sorted(value) if not isString(value): if isiterable(value): return list(value) return [ value, ] # Returns value, if value is a set. # Returns a set, if value is a frozenset. # Returns a set with the elements of value, if value is a tuple. # Returns a set with the elements of value, if value is a list. # Otherwise returns a set with value as single element. def toSet(value): if isinstance(value, set): return value if isinstance(value, frozenset): return set(value) if isinstance(value, list) or\ isinstance(value, tuple): return set(value) return { value, } def pivotDict(inDict): outDict = {} for key, value in dictItems(inDict): if value in outDict: raise KeyError("Ambiguous key in pivot dict") outDict[value] = key return outDict # Returns the index of a list element, or -1 if not found. # If translate if not None, it should be a callable that translates # a list entry. Arguments are index, entry. def listIndex(_list, value, start=0, stop=-1, translate=None): if stop < 0: stop = len(_list) if translate: for i, ent in enumerate(_list[start:stop], start): if translate(i, ent) == value: return i return -1 try: return _list.index(value, start, stop) except ValueError: return -1 # Convert an integer list to a human readable string. # Example: [1, 2, 3] -> "1, 2 or 3" def listToHumanStr(lst, lastSep="or"): if not lst: return "" lst = toList(lst) string = ", ".join(str(i) for i in lst) # Replace last comma with 'lastSep' string = string[::-1].replace(",", lastSep[::-1] + " ", 1)[::-1] return string # Expand the elements of a list. # 'expander' is the expansion callback. 'expander' takes # one list element as argument. It returns a list. def listExpand(lst, expander): ret = [] for item in lst: ret.extend(expander(item)) return ret def clamp(value, minValue, maxValue): """Clamp value to the range minValue-maxValue. ValueError is raised, if minValue is bigger than maxValue. """ if minValue > maxValue: raise ValueError return max(min(value, maxValue), minValue) # Get "Greatest Common Divisor" def math_gcd(*args): return reduce(compat_gcd, args) # Get "Least Common Multiple" def math_lcm(*args): return reduce(lambda x, y: x * y // math_gcd(x, y), args) class nopContextManager(object): """No-operation context manager. """ def __enter__(self): return None def __exit__(self, exctype, excinst, exctb): return False nopContext = nopContextManager() class RelPath(object): def __init__(self, relativeToDir): self.__relativeToDir = relativeToDir def toRelative(self, path): """Generate an OS-independent relative string from a path.""" path = os.path.relpath(path, self.__relativeToDir) if os.path.splitdrive(path)[0]: raise AwlSimError("Failed to strip the drive letter from a path, " "because the base and the path don't reside on the " "same drive. Please make sure the base and the path " "reside on the same drive.\n" "Base: %s\n" "Path: %s" % ( self.__relativeToDir, path)) path = path.replace(os.path.sep, "/") return path def fromRelative(self, path): """Generate a path from an OS-independent relative string.""" path = path.replace("/", os.path.sep) path = os.path.join(self.__relativeToDir, path) return path def shortUUID(uuidStr): """Shorten an uuid string. """ uuidStr = str(uuidStr).strip() if len(uuidStr) == 36 and\ uuidStr[8] == '-' and\ uuidStr[13] == '-' and\ uuidStr[18] == '-' and\ uuidStr[23] == '-': uuidStr = uuidStr[0:8] + ".." + uuidStr[-6:-1] return uuidStr