# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # AWL simulator - source management # # Copyright 2014-2017 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals from awlsim.common.compat import * from awlsim.common.xmlfactory import * from awlsim.common.refmanager import * from awlsim.common.util import * from awlsim.common.exceptions import * import base64, binascii import hashlib __all__ = [ "AwlSource", "FupSource", "KopSource", "SymTabSource", "SourceManager", "SourceContainer", ] class SourceFactory(XmlFactory): def parser_open(self, tag=None): project, source = self.project, self.source self.__data = [] if tag: srcType = tag.getAttrInt("type") name = tag.getAttr("name", source.SRCTYPE) filename = tag.getAttr("file", "") enabled = tag.getAttrBool("enabled", True) if source.SRCTYPE_ID != srcType: raise self.Error("SourceFactory: Got unexpected " "source type %d instead of %d." % ( srcType, source.SRCTYPE_ID)) if filename: filename = RelPath(project.projectDir).fromRelative(filename) source.readFromFile(filename, compatReEncode=True) else: source.filepath = "" source.name = name source.enabled = enabled XmlFactory.parser_open(self, tag) def parser_beginTag(self, tag): XmlFactory.parser_beginTag(self, tag) def parser_endTag(self, tag): source = self.source if tag.name == "source": if self.__data: sourceData = "".join(self.__data) if source.STRIP_DATA: # Strip all leading and trailing white space. sourceData = sourceData.strip() else: # Only strip leading and trailing line break # that we added during compose. idx = sourceData.find("\n") if idx >= 0 and not sourceData[:idx].strip(): sourceData = sourceData[idx+1:] idx = sourceData.rfind("\n") if idx >= 0 and not sourceData[idx+1:].strip(): sourceData = sourceData[:idx] if sourceData.endswith("\r"): sourceData = sourceData[:-1] # Add the data to the source. try: source.sourceBytes = sourceData.encode(source.ENCODING) except UnicodeError as e: raise self.Error("Failed to encode source code data") self.parser_finish() return XmlFactory.parser_endTag(self, tag) def parser_data(self, data): source = self.source if not source.isFileBacked(): self.__data.append(data) return XmlFactory.parser_data(self, data) def composer_getTags(self): project, source = self.project, self.source childTags = [] filename = "" if source.isFileBacked(): filename = RelPath(project.projectDir).toRelative(source.filepath) data = None else: try: data = source.sourceBytes.decode(source.ENCODING) # Enforce UNIX line endings. data = toUnixEol(data) # Add leading and trailing line break. data = "\n%s\n" % data except UnicodeError as e: raise self.Error("Failed to decode source code data") tags = [ self.Tag(name="source", comment="\n%s source code" % source.SRCTYPE, attrs={ "type" : str(int(source.SRCTYPE_ID)), "file" : str(filename), "name" : str(source.name), "enabled" : "1" if source.enabled else "0", }, data=data, tags=childTags, useCDATA=True), ] return tags class GenericSource(object): SRCTYPE = "" SRCTYPE_ID = -1 # .awlpro file format ID IDENT_HASH = hashlib.sha256 ENCODING = "" COMPAT_ENCODING = "" STRIP_DATA = False factory = SourceFactory def __init__(self, name="", enabled=True, filepath="", sourceBytes=b"", userData={}): """Initialize a source code object. name: Name string of the source. enabled: True, if the source is active. filepath: Path string to the source file, or an empty string. sourceBytes: bytes object of the actual source code. userData: Optional dict that may be filled with user data. The source code object will not touch this data. This data will _not_ be transferred to the core server. This data does _not_ contribute to the identHash. """ self.name = name self.enabled = enabled self.filepath = filepath self.sourceBytes = sourceBytes self.userData = userData.copy() self.__identHash = None @property def name(self): return self.__name @name.setter def name(self, newName): self.__name = newName self.__identHash = None @property def enabled(self): return self.__enabled @enabled.setter def enabled(self, enabled): self.__enabled = bool(enabled) self.__identHash = None @property def filepath(self): return self.__filepath @filepath.setter def filepath(self, newFilepath): self.__filepath = newFilepath self.__identHash = None @property def sourceBytes(self): """Get the source byte stream, in native ENCODING format. """ return self.__sourceBytes @sourceBytes.setter def sourceBytes(self, newSourceBytes): """Set the source byte stream. The bytes must be in native ENCODING format. """ self.__sourceBytes = newSourceBytes self.__identHash = None @property def compatSourceBytes(self): """Get the source byte stream, in COMPAT_ENCODING format. """ return self._compatReEncode(self.sourceBytes, self.ENCODING, self.COMPAT_ENCODING) @property def sourceText(self): """Get the source as decoded text. """ try: return self.sourceBytes.decode(self.ENCODING) except UnicodeError as e: raise AwlSimError("Failed to decode '%s' source code " "bytes to text." % ( self.name)) @classmethod def _compatReEncode(cls, sourceBytes, fromEncoding, toEncoding): """Re-encode the sourceBytes from 'fromEncoding' to 'toEncoding'. """ try: if fromEncoding != toEncoding: sourceString = sourceBytes.decode(fromEncoding, "ignore") sourceBytes = sourceString.encode(toEncoding, "ignore") except UnicodeError as e: raise AwlSimError("Failed to re-encode source code " "from %s to %s." % (fromEncoding, toEncoding)) return sourceBytes @property def identHash(self): identHash = self.__identHash if not identHash: # Calculate the ident hash bd = deque() bd.append(self.SRCTYPE.encode(self.ENCODING, "strict")) if self.name is None: bd.append(b'0') else: bd.append(b'1') bd.append(self.name.encode(self.ENCODING, "ignore")) bd.append(b'1' if self.enabled else b'0') if self.filepath: bd.append(b'1') bd.append(self.filepath.encode(self.ENCODING, "ignore")) else: bd.append(b'0') bd.append(self.sourceBytes) identHash = self.__identHash = self.IDENT_HASH(b'|'.join(bd)).digest() return identHash @identHash.setter def identHash(self, identHash): # Force the ident hash. self.__identHash = identHash @property def identHashStr(self): return bytesToHexStr(self.identHash) def isFileBacked(self): return bool(self.filepath) def writeFileBacking(self, compatReEncode=False): """Write the backing file, if any. """ if not self.isFileBacked(): return sourceBytes = self.sourceBytes if compatReEncode: sourceBytes = self._compatReEncode(sourceBytes, self.ENCODING, self.COMPAT_ENCODING) safeFileWrite(self.filepath, sourceBytes) def forceNonFileBacked(self, newName): "Convert this source to a non-file-backed source." if self.isFileBacked(): self.filepath = "" self.name = newName def readFromFile(self, filepath, compatReEncode=False): try: data = safeFileRead(filepath) if compatReEncode: data = self._compatReEncode(data, self.COMPAT_ENCODING, self.ENCODING) except AwlSimError as e: raise AwlSimError("Project: Could not read %s " "source file '%s':\n%s" %\ (self.SRCTYPE, filepath, str(e))) self.sourceBytes = data self.filepath = filepath @classmethod def fromFile(cls, name, filepath, compatReEncode=False): source = cls(name=name, filepath=filepath, sourceBytes=b"") source.readFromFile(filepath, compatReEncode) return source @classmethod def fromBase64(cls, name, b64): try: data = base64.b64decode(b64.encode("ascii")) except (TypeError, binascii.Error, UnicodeError) as e: raise AwlSimError("Project: %s source '%s' " "has invalid base64 encoding." %\ (cls.SRCTYPE, name)) return cls(name=name, filepath=None, sourceBytes=data) def dup(self): """Duplicate this source. Returns a copy. """ return self.__class__(name=self.name, enabled=self.enabled, filepath=self.filepath, sourceBytes=self.sourceBytes[:], userData=self.userData) def copyFrom(self, other, copyName=True, copyEnabled=True, copyFilepath=True, copySourceBytes=True, copyUserData=True): """Copy the content of another source into this one. """ if copyName: self.name = other.name if copyEnabled: self.enabled = other.enabled if copyFilepath: self.filepath = other.filepath if copySourceBytes: self.sourceBytes = other.sourceBytes[:] if copyUserData: self.userData = other.userData.copy() def __eq__(self, other): return self.identHash == other.identHash def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self): return "%s%s %s%s %s" % ( self.SRCTYPE, "" if self.isFileBacked() else " project", self.name, "" if self.enabled else " (DISABLED)", self.identHashStr) class AwlSource(GenericSource): SRCTYPE = "AWL/STL" SRCTYPE_ID = 0 # .awlpro file format ID ENCODING = XmlFactory.XML_ENCODING COMPAT_ENCODING = "latin_1" STRIP_DATA = False class FupSource(GenericSource): SRCTYPE = "FUP/FBD" SRCTYPE_ID = 1 # .awlpro file format ID ENCODING = XmlFactory.XML_ENCODING COMPAT_ENCODING = ENCODING STRIP_DATA = True class KopSource(GenericSource): SRCTYPE = "KOP/LAD" SRCTYPE_ID = 2 # .awlpro file format ID ENCODING = XmlFactory.XML_ENCODING COMPAT_ENCODING = ENCODING STRIP_DATA = True class SymTabSource(GenericSource): SRCTYPE = "symbol table" SRCTYPE_ID = 3 # .awlpro file format ID ENCODING = XmlFactory.XML_ENCODING COMPAT_ENCODING = "latin_1" STRIP_DATA = False class SourceManager(ObjRefManager): """Manages one source.""" def __init__(self, source, container = None): """source -> An AwlSource or SymTabSource instance. container -> A SourceContainer instance or None. """ super(SourceManager, self).__init__( name = lambda slf: "%s/%s" % (slf.source.name, slf.source.identHashStr)) self.source = source self.container = container if container: container.addManager(self) def allRefsDestroyed(self): """Called, if all source references are destroyed. """ super(SourceManager, self).allRefsDestroyed() if self.container: self.container.removeManager(self) self.source = self.container = None def getBlocks(self): """Get the compiled blocks that were created from the source managed here. """ return { ref.obj for ref in self.refs } class SourceContainer(object): """Container for source managers.""" def __init__(self): self.__sourceManagers = [] def addManager(self, sourceManager): """Add a SourceManager instance to this container. """ self.__sourceManagers.append(sourceManager) sourceManager.container = self def removeManager(self, sourceManager): """Remove a SourceManager instance from this container. """ try: self.__sourceManagers.remove(sourceManager) except ValueError as e: # The removed manager did not exist. # This might happen in rare conditions, for example if a # previous download/translation attempt failed. # Just ignore this. pass def removeByIdent(self, identHash): """Remove a SourceManager by identHash. """ sourceManager = self.getSourceManagerByIdent(identHash) if sourceManager: self.removeManager(sourceManager) return True return False def clear(self): """Remove all managers from the container. """ for sourceManager in self.__sourceManagers[:]: self.removeManager(sourceManager) def getSourceManagers(self): """Return a list of source managers in this container. """ return self.__sourceManagers def getSources(self): """Return a list of sources in this container. """ return [ m.source for m in self.getSourceManagers() ] def getSourceManagerByIdent(self, identHash): """Get the source manager by source ident hash. Returns None, if no such source was found. """ for sourceManager in self.__sourceManagers: if sourceManager.source.identHash == identHash: return sourceManager return None def getSourceByIdent(self, identHash): """Get the source by source ident hash. Returns None, if no such source was found. """ sourceManager = self.getSourceManagerByIdent(identHash) return sourceManager.source if sourceManager else None