#!/usr/bin/env python """ # CNC-remote-control # Admin tool # # Copyright (C) 2011 Michael Buesch # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. """ import sys import time import getopt from cnccontrol_driver import * # Hardware constants CPU_BOOT_OFFSET = 0x7000 CPU_APP_SIZE = CPU_BOOT_OFFSET CPU_PAGE_SIZE = 0x80 COPROC_BOOT_OFFSET = 0x1800 COPROC_PAGE_SIZE = 0x40 COPROC_APP_SIZE = COPROC_BOOT_OFFSET def arg2bool(arg): arg = arg.lower() if arg in ("yes", "true"): return True if arg in ("no", "false"): return False try: return bool(int(arg)) except ValueError: pass return False class IHEXParser(object): TYPE_DATA = 0 TYPE_EOF = 1 TYPE_ESAR = 2 TYPE_SSAR = 3 TYPE_ELAR = 4 TYPE_SLAR = 5 def __init__(self, ihexfile, imagesize): image = [0xFF] * imagesize try: lines = file(ihexfile, "rb").readlines() hiAddr = 0 for line in lines: line = line.strip() if not line: continue if len(line) < 11 or (len(line) - 1) % 2 != 0: raise CNCCException("Invalid ihex file format (length error)") if line[0] != ':': raise CNCCException("Invalid ihex file format (magic error)") count = int(line[1:3], 16) if len(line) != count * 2 + 11: raise CNCCException("Invalid ihex file format (count error)") addr = (int(line[3:5], 16) << 8) | int(line[5:7], 16) addr |= hiAddr << 16 recordType = int(line[7:9], 16) checksum = 0 for i in range(1, len(line), 2): b = int(line[i:i+2], 16) checksum = (checksum + b) & 0xFF if checksum != 0: raise CNCCException("Invalid ihex file format (checksum error)") if recordType == self.TYPE_EOF: break if recordType == self.TYPE_ELAR: if count != 2: raise CNCCException("Invalid ihex file format (inval ELAR)") hiAddr = (int(line[9:11], 16) << 8) | int(line[11:13], 16) continue if recordType == self.TYPE_DATA: if len(image) < addr + count: raise CNCCException("Ihex data outside of image bounds") for i in range(9, 9 + count * 2, 2): image[(i - 9) / 2 + addr] = int(line[i:i+2], 16) continue raise CNCCException("Invalid ihex file format (unsup type %d)" % recordType) except (ValueError), e: raise CNCCException("Invalid ihex file format (digit format)") except (IOError), e: raise CNCCException("Failed to read file %s: %s" % (ihexfile, str(e))) self.image = image class Context(object): def __init__(self): self.cncc = None def getCNCC(self): if not self.cncc: self.cncc = CNCControl() if not self.cncc.probe(): raise CNCCException("Did not find CNC " "Control device on USB bus") return self.cncc def handle_cpu_context(context, arg): cncc = context.getCNCC() if cncc.deviceRunsBootloader(): print "The CPU is running in BOOTLOADER code" else: print "The CPU is running in APPLICATION code" def handle_verbose_debug(context, enable): enable = arg2bool(enable) cncc = context.getCNCC() devFlagsSet = 0 if enable: print "Enabling verbose debug mode..." devFlagsSet = ControlMsgDevflags.DEVICE_FLG_VERBOSEDBG else: print "Disabling verbose debug mode..." msg = ControlMsgDevflags(ControlMsgDevflags.DEVICE_FLG_VERBOSEDBG, devFlagsSet) reply = cncc.controlMsgSyncReply(msg) if not reply.isOK(): raise CNCCException("Failed to set device flags: %s" % str(reply)) print "Device flags:", reply def handle_enterboot(context, arg): print "Entering bootloader..." cncc = context.getCNCC() if not cncc.deviceRunsBootloader(): # Enter CPU bootloader msg = ControlMsgEnterboot(ControlMsg.TARGET_CPU) cncc.controlMsg(msg) time.sleep(0.3) if not cncc.reconnect(): raise CNCCException("Failed to enter CPU bootloader. " "The USB device did not reconnect.") # Ping the bootloader ping = ControlMsgPing(hdrFlags=ControlMsg.CONTROL_FLG_BOOTLOADER) reply = cncc.controlMsgSyncReply(ping) if not reply.isOK(): raise CNCCException("Failed to ping the CPU bootloader") # Enter coprocessor bootloader msg = ControlMsgEnterboot(ControlMsg.TARGET_COPROC, hdrFlags=ControlMsg.CONTROL_FLG_BOOTLOADER) reply = cncc.controlMsgSyncReply(msg, timeoutMs=1000) if not reply.isOK(): raise CNCCException("Failed to enter coprocessor bootloader: %s" % str(reply)) def handle_exitboot(context, arg): print "Exiting bootloader..." cncc = context.getCNCC() if not cncc.deviceRunsBootloader(): return # Exit coprocessor bootloader msg = ControlMsgExitboot(ControlMsg.TARGET_COPROC) reply = cncc.controlMsgSyncReply(msg, timeoutMs=1000) if not reply.isOK(): print "Failed to exit coprocessor bootloader: %s" % str(reply) # Exit CPU bootloader msg = ControlMsgExitboot(ControlMsg.TARGET_CPU) cncc.controlMsg(msg) time.sleep(0.3) if not cncc.reconnect(): raise CNCCException("Failed to exit CPU bootloader. " "The USB device did not reconnect.") def __flashImage(context, ihexfile, offset, size, pageSize, targetMCU): cncc = context.getCNCC() p = IHEXParser(ihexfile, size) for pageAddr in range(offset, size, pageSize): page = p.image[pageAddr:pageAddr+min(pageSize, size - pageAddr)] for chunkOffset in range(0, len(page), ControlMsgBootWritebuf.DATA_MAX_BYTES): chunkSize = min(ControlMsgBootWritebuf.DATA_MAX_BYTES, len(page) - chunkOffset) chunk = page[chunkOffset:chunkOffset+chunkSize] msg = ControlMsgBootWritebuf(chunkOffset, chunk) reply = cncc.controlMsgSyncReply(msg) if not reply.isOK(): raise CNCCException("Failed to write image data to " "flash buffer: %s" % str(reply)) msg = ControlMsgBootFlashpg(pageAddr, targetMCU) reply = cncc.controlMsgSyncReply(msg, timeoutMs=2500) if not reply.isOK(): raise CNCCException("Failed to flash page: %s" % str(reply)) def handle_flash_cpu(context, ihexfile): print "Flashing CPU image" __flashImage(context, ihexfile, 0, CPU_APP_SIZE, CPU_PAGE_SIZE, ControlMsg.TARGET_CPU) def handle_flash_coprocessor(context, ihexfile): print "Flashing coprocessor image" __flashImage(context, ihexfile, 0, COPROC_APP_SIZE, COPROC_PAGE_SIZE, ControlMsg.TARGET_COPROC) def usage(): print "admin.py [OPTIONS]" print "" print " -c|--cpu-context Find out the CPU context (boot or app)" print "" print " -V|--verbose-debug BOOL Enable/disable verbose debugging messages." print "" print " -b|--enterboot Enter the CPU and coproc bootloader" print " -x|--exitboot Exit the CPU and coproc bootloader" print " -f|--flash-cpu IHEX Flash an ihex file to the CPU" print " -F|--flash-coproc IHEX Flash an ihex file to the coprocessor" def main(): actions = [] try: (opts, args) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hcV:bxf:F:", [ "help", "cpu-context", "verbose-debug=", "enterboot", "exitboot", "flash-cpu=", "flash-coproc=", ]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() return 1 for (o, v) in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() return 0 if o in ("-c", "--cpu-context"): actions.append( ["cpu-context", v] ) if o in ("-V", "--verbose-debug"): actions.append( ["verbose-debug", v] ) if o in ("-b", "--enterboot"): actions.append( ["enterboot", v] ) if o in ("-x", "--exitboot"): actions.append( ["exitboot", v] ) if o in ("-f", "--flash-cpu"): actions.append( ["flash-cpu", v] ) if o in ("-F", "--flash-coproc"): actions.append( ["flash-coproc", v] ) handlers = { "cpu-context" : handle_cpu_context, "verbose-debug" : handle_verbose_debug, "enterboot" : handle_enterboot, "exitboot" : handle_exitboot, "flash-cpu" : handle_flash_cpu, "flash-coproc" : handle_flash_coprocessor, } try: if not actions: print "No action specified" return 1 context = Context() for action in actions: handler = handlers[action[0]] handler(context, action[1]) except (CNCCException), e: print "CNC Control exception: %s" % str(e) return 1 return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())